Some important tips to find best moving companies in Dubai 1. Moving out inventory Good and reputable moving companies in Dubai will take inventory of all your belongings and weight of your move. They should be thorough and check all of your storage places e.g. cupboards, drawers, garages and bookcases. A large moving item of the mover’s price is based on the weight of your belongings and the space your goods take up in the vehicle. Make sure you understand this estimate and that it is as accurate as much it is possible. 2. Get a thorough walk-through An estimator who does a quick walk-through without noting what you plan to move is going to be off the mark. A good moving company estimator will ask questions about what you plan to take from your current home to your next home. So, make sure you tell the estimator which items you don’t want on the move—the items you plan to leave, donate to a charity or somewhere else, 3. Don’t pay a large deposit Good and Reputable move...
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